Wednesday, October 21, 2009

ABC at Vatican presser

Interesting body language. I am thinking of a set of balloons over +++RW's head with what he is really thinking.


it's margaret said...

Response? Dialogue? Conversation?

Oh dear....
Poor thang.
It's not denial. It's not theology. Is this stiff upper lip and all that? Jolly full steam ahead?
Poor thang.
Everyone knows what Rome has done.... and I'm not hearing Jesus in any of it.

Göran Koch-Swahne said...

As the anecdote goes aobut a revue; this is what give failures a bad name...

Göran Koch-Swahne said...

OT Marriage was made Gender Neutral in Sweden by General Synod today slightly past 10.30 AM. 176 Ayes, 62 Noes, 11 Abstentions. Though you might like to know ;=)