Saturday, July 11, 2009

Morning after Meetup

Thanks to all those who came to the meetup! I hope everyone who wanted to, found us, as we were rather late getting to the restaurant. I'm sure pictures will be posted at various blogs as time goes on.

BP and I got to Anaheim around 2 and were able to spend much of the afternoon with Grandmere Mimi. Before the Integrity Eucharist, we caught up with Prior Aelred, and then Margaret found us and we had a nice visit. There was a brief hello with Elizabeth Kaeton, and a photo opportunity with Susan Russell, both of whom were on their way to rehearsal. Then we found Fr Jake, in his trademark black hat (though we know he's one of the good guys). we also connected with some of our new friends from San Diego.

Before the Eucharist BP and I were able to say hello to a rushing Bp Gene Robinson, and Bp Barbara Harris and I got entangled when her coathanger caught my sweater. My, it was a crowd! They did a great job in a big hotel ballroom, with terrific music (much of it African). During a procession around the church with holy water (which Bp Robinson, who was presiding, flung with great spirit--that man has such a joyful smile!) there was a spirited African drummer. They called up several groups for particular blessing including married/partnered folks and GLBT clergy. BP, who is rather shy, didn't want to go but Terry gave her a gentle nudge so up we went. All the people so summoned linked arms warmly. The service was long, but really well done, with big red streamer-banners and candles in "hurricane lamp" holders, and varied, lovely music. Bp Barbara Harris gave the sermon--a passionate, fiery social justice sermon. If she runs for senator or president, I'm voting for her. Memorable quote:
"If you don't want GLBT folks as bishops, don't ordain them as deacons, better yet, be honest and say 'we don't want you, you don't belong here' and don't bestow on them the sacrament of baptism to begin with," said Harris to applause. "How can you initiate someone and treat them like they are half-assed baptized."
More Here.

After the service we collected folks outside for the walk to the meetup site. We had a brief hello with Tobias Haller, but unfortunately he and many others had conflicts and couldn't come to the meetup proper. We also met commenter Dr Val, who was unable to come along with us but gave a hello and thanks to Fr Jake's community for the support to San Joaquin. By the time we were all assembled at the restaurant there were perhaps 25 of us; other familiar blog friends included Ann F (my co-blogger here), Paul (A), and Allie. There were also a number of people I didn't get a chance to meet. And there wasn't enough time, for sure, for all the conversations we wanted to have and hugs we wanted to trade.

I didn't take pictures, but I can give you some impressions. Fr Jake speaks in a soft voice that draws you in close, and his eyes are huge and dark. Mimi's voice is deep, and rich with the slow cadences of the gulf. Prior Aelred has a wicked sense of humor, and isn't quite as introverted as he claims, I think...! Paul (A) is very dapper. Allie has a very wry sense of humor. Margaret is really tall! and so warm. Ann was wearing one of the Integrity t-shirts, red suits her. Elizabeth swirled elegantly in a flowing scarf. Susan was obviously swamped, but vivid in a tourquoise jacket. Tobias is talkative and ruddy with energy. I'll let them tell you what I'm like. :-)

Funny comments heard:
  • "I had no idea Fr Jake was an Episcopalian!"
  • (from a table of "suits"): "Oh, there go those blogger people!"
  • "Who is Fr Jake?"
  • "I don't know who he is but if these are his friends, can I join in?"
It was amazing how we settled easily into the comfort of long friendship, and I am so glad I got to meet you all IRL. We'll see each other again.

Pictures? If you have pictures to share, or if you have requests about maintaining privacy as photos get published, please visit Friends-in-Anaheim for directions!


JCF said...

Way to go on making me GREEN w/ envy that I could have been there, IT! ;-/

[At least I've gotten to enjoy "Prior Aelred('s) ... wicked sense of humor" on a bi-monthly basis for years. ;-p]

Love to all---and HANG IN THERE! [Stay strong, HofD! Get w/ the (God's) program, HofB! :-D]

James said...
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James said...

I am so glad that Fr. T nudged BP to go up for the blessing! I'm very jealous that you all met without me but the sun came up this morning just the same.

IT, are now one of us, and you can never, ever escape that. We got ya!

PS. I hate you!

IT said...

Dear James and JCF:
We missed you.

THe first words BP ever spoke to me were "I hate you!" When we share a glass of wine together, we'll tell you the story.

JCF said...

Oh, it's a "Meet Cute" story: get an agent to pitch it, and "Go Hollywood"! ;-p

[The Fun topic: IT, who would play you? Who would play BP?]

James said...

Oh oh, this isn't going to turn into one of the marriages the ultra right wings have been saying gay marriage woudl lead to, is it? LOL

IT said...

Now, behave yourselves, you two...

Paul said...

Thanks for giving me some narrative on the meetup. Glad you could get together (even if I couldn't join y'all).

textjunkie said...

Sorry I missed it!! But I did my penances as a volunteer on Saturday (::phew::)... I'll be in Fr.Jake's chat room on Monday, hope to catch up with some of y'all there.

Fran said...

Sounds wonderful!!!