Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Religious groups gear up for Prop8

Supporters are calling for long fasts and religious rallies to support Prop 8 in an attempt to pass this hateful and hate-filled amendment.
"This is not political to us. We see it as very spiritual," said ...a leader of an interfaith coalition that has held monthly teleconferences, shared sermons and solicited donations for the ballot measure.
I must have missed the part about Jesus throwing the first stone.
Alarmed by a California Supreme Court decision that legalized same-sex marriage, churches of many faiths have banded together in support of a measure that would amend the state constitution to define marriage as a union between a man and a woman. They have become the single largest force behind the measure, recruiting volunteers, raising money, registering voters, manning phone banks and distributing campaign literature.

Under federal law, religious organizations cannot endorse political candidates but are free to campaign on social issues without endangering their tax-exempt status.
Right. Because their right to discriminate against me transcends my rights not to be discriminated against in a secular state.
Along with evangelical Christian groups such as Focus on the Family and Family Research Council, the leaders of Roman Catholic, Mormon, Southern Baptist, Orthodox Jewish and Seventh-Day Adventist congregations have endorsed the measure and urged the faithful to give.

The Knights of Columbus have given nearly $1.3 million, making the Catholic fraternal organization the largest single contributor to Yes on 8. Donations from individual Mormons account for more than $6.4 million of about $17.3 million raised so far....
And in case you need a reminder, we really need you to counter this buying spree by supporting the No on Prop8 campaign.
"This Supreme Court decision was a huge wake-up call for Catholics. It was shocking," said Bill May of San Francisco, leader of Catholics for Protect Marriage. "The sense is that this is the last chance to restore the definition of marriage, and if unsuccessful, it is going to have serious ramifications for California and across the country."
And what would those ramifications be? No one has explained yet how allowing oh, I don't know, 2 middle aged women to marry will have any effect on any other person WHATSOEVER.
Liberal congregations also have entered the Proposition 8 debate, though not as vigorously as their conservative brethren.....
The article goes on to mention the Episcopal bishops came out (a-hem) against it, which was nice and all, but one announcement is not enough when the other side has turned the media into an echo chamber.

Don't let them keep grabbing that title of Christian to shield their hatred. Grab it back. Christians against Prop 8!

Vote no on 8 (and remind your friends which way it works; my elderly mom was confused which way to vote to support me.)

I'd hate to look back on all this pre-wedding anxiety and realize it was for nothing!

UPDATE: How non-Californians can help: Give money. Give time. Make calls. If we lose this one, the movement will be set back for years.


David said...

And religious people seem so puzzled at the latest Pew Research poll that shows how the more secular of our citizens perceive the religious as bigoted & intolerant.

Golly gee, I wonder why ? :P

(I am, BTW, this close to adopting the "spiritual, but not religious" label in protest of these gits)

Anonymous said...

Please excuse me while I grouse at this coalition calling itself "interfaith." It consists of:

Evangelical Christians
Roman Catholics, who are also Christians, even if the Southern Baptists might argue otherwise
Mormons, who are also Christians, even if most of the others will argue otherwise
Southern Baptists, who are also Christians
Seventh Day Adventists, who are also Christians
Orthodox Jews, who are apparently the only non-Christians in the entire lot

No mentions of Hindus, Buddhists, or Muslims. No representatives of Shinto, Confuscianism, or any Pagan tradition.

Forgive me if I find their claim to being "inter-faith" of being rather week. Heck, if there weren't Orthodox Jews in the mix, I'd argue they were inter-denominational at best.