You didn't all think I was going to fold up my tent and disappear into the night, did you?
David has set this up as a group blog. i know Lynn has set up a blog too. I'm sure it will take more than one blog to make any effort at filling the gaping hole left by Jake's closing.
Isn't there a saying about closing doors and opening windows? ;-)
Well, well, well ... So it took Jake's closing the door to get IT to open a Blogger profile. {chuckle} Welcome, IT!
Thanks David. Bad spelling and all I are here.
Well, I just finished setting of a blog to do this very thing, only for deeper discussion. We should all combine our talents and made one great blog. LOL
Now, James, are you saying you don't think this blog will engage in deep discussion?
Of course it will, IT; I just didn't know several of us were duplicating the effort. I did most of my blog yesterday then went and visited Lisa's site and offered my help there, too.
If you want to check out my poor endeavour, it's here...
I have started a blogroll. It is far from complete, but at least gives us a way to (start) to find each other.
Thanks so much to all of you setting up sites. Just checking in.
Scott Hankins
Just stopping by to say hi.
Folks at a place that shall remain unnamed say that the apostates are folding up their tents. Let's keep proving them wrong.
Lynn, that's one of the reasons I wantede Jake to stay "in it" until at least after Lambeth. 1) He has insider knowledge and could give us some great insight to the party and 2) the neo-Puritans would see his closing so soon after their failed coup that they would see it as you said, folding up the tents.
Funny thing is, they don't see folding up the tents as a sign it's all over. :)
Jake spent a lot of time customizing his site in a way I found most impressive and useful (and that did not reduce IT to "it").
Might it be possible to contact him to reconstruct his layout template?
I am incredibly honored to be listed on the blogroll here. Thank you. And congratulations on the "Jake" sighting on the thread above! Well done.
Lynn said: Folks at a place that shall remain unnamed say that the apostates are folding up their tents. Let's keep proving them wrong.
They observe that several national players are folding their tents. We did it at The Episcopal Majority. Now Jake has done the same. Mark Harris is doing something similar. All of us who have "folded our tents" did so because we believe the battle is over and the victory is won. I have been amused in the last few days to see how the StandFlaccid crowd thinks there's a conspiracy in those folding tents. Do we indeed (as their conspiracy-minded "brains" discern) know something they don't know? We shall see.
Hi y'all, can I come in too?
So, life moves on, and the world now stops in other places?
Thanks, IT!
Is there room in this tent for one more?
What about dogs??? Do you Accept Dogs, too??
I would not belong to a blog that did not welcome dogs!
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I feel as though I have found old friends again, even though I mostly just read what you had to say (lurked?)
1achord in Virginia
I plan to hang out. (I miss Jake already and am glad to see the rest of you!) James, I've already bookmarked your site. Everyone's welcome to wander through mine (The Liturgical Curmudgeon,
Yeah!! I'm glad that I have continued to check Jake's site just in case something new came up!!! I have been suffering from withdrawls- thanks for helping me find you guys.
I look forward to reading this blog and all the others listed.
I once (7/2/08) was lost, but now I'm found! Thank you all for keeping the FJSTW community alive. I hope to be following events here for a good long time to come.
Me, too! Mostly lurking...
This is great--
Mostly lurking too. So glad the gang's still here!
Happy to be here.
Break out the Nutella!
(Here is my marketing suggestion for Nutella:
"Nutella, Nutella, it's NUT that Good!
What do you think???
and I never saw this....
Same Ole BS everyday, living in Detroit,...which I don't
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