I am pleased, nay, absolutely delighted to inform you that my most beloved BP will be received into The Episcopal Church at the Easter Vigil by Bishop James Mathes in the Cathedral of St Paul in San Diego. It isn't an easy journey and I am awed by her strength and her serenity as she takes this step. Both of us feel very welcome at St Paul's (which is saying quite a lot, coming from me!)
Many of you have been invaluable in assisting me as well as BP in this journey, and I treasure you as dear, dear friends.
But I think the ultimate blog blame resides with that mysterious dark-eyed Terry Martin. Thank you, Terry, for so much.
I just wanted to add a heartfelt thank you of my own. It's humbling to think of the amount of support and encouragement I didn't even know I had at first! :-) Pretty amazing to think that a "virtual" community can teach so much about real community. And yes, thank you, Terry... for more than I can articulate right now.
Like IT I'm an atheist, but, I'm glad BP is finding a true sanctuary.
As someone who remains RC but who respects the journey we all must undertake, I want to say that I think this is great news.
And yes - virtual community can teach us so much. My own faith is supported by the many people I walk with here online.
Blessings up on you BP, as you go forth and blessings up on you too IT.
Peace to all.
May God continue to bless your journey, BP. We are honored by your presence.
Warm congratulations to you both!
Welcome to this corner of Christendom for this part of your journey BP. I was born into it and know little of what it means to live in other traditions so have enjoyed the community of diversity at Fr Jakes and here.
How wonderful! What a journey. So sorry about the pain of leaving your home church but a warm, warm welcome. And Vigil - I'm jealous - what a wonderful time and setting for being received.
Please accept both my congratulations and my heartfelt wishes that you find many more blessings on your continued journey.
BP, IT, blessings to both of you, together and individually.
BP, welcome in from one organ in the body to another. IT, I'm glad you've been made welcome. I appreciate that you're an atheist, and don't ask you to agree with me. I will admit from my very personal perspective that in time you have a nice surprise waiting for you that will mean joy for you and BP together. In the meantime, I wish you joy and welcome together with no surprises necessary.
Welcome, BP - If I weren't otherwise engaged on Easter Even, I'd make the trip to be there with both of you. It's a major step for you, and I admire your strength making this decision. We (TEC) will be enriched by your membership as we have been enriched by your presence these many months. Now, we start praying for IT to "come out" and be one with us. :)
In all seriousness, welcome, my sister.
oooh, that's great news!! Congratulations and God bless you both... :)
Welcome, BP!
A fellow traveler of that particular path gives your BP a most hearty welcome (also having been received as an Episcopalian from Rome about three years ago)! Many blessings to her!
IT's not an atheist - she just doesn't believe in God.
All Love and Blessings to both of you!
Indeed, love and blessings to you both! BP, peace and courage, sister.
What happy news! Welcome BP (and IT). I made that same journey nearly 20 years ago. The choice is a difficult one, to say the least. I have never regretted my choice. I wish you happiness and blessings untold!
Welcome to the Episcopal family, BP. You and IT have been members of our family for quite some time now, but I'm pleased that you will be official as of Easter Eve. When I was received into the Episcopal Church, I felt as though I had come home.
Our family is enriched by the presence of you two lovely people, and I'm proud to know you and so pleased that we met and spent time together. I will be thinking of you and praying for you as the joyous evening approaches. May God bless you both, along with your families, as you continue your journey together.
Much love and many blessings.
Oh Yay! :-D As I become a yet smaller % of cradle Piskies . . . welcome home, BP, anyway! ;-)
[IT, cher, somewhere in the Mind of God, there's a TEC Reception candle w/ your name on it, too! *LOL*]
I get a candle, too???!! ;-)
Dark eyed? Sounds rather ominous...hmmm...I think I like it!
Congratulations, BP! I must commend you for the seriousness in which you engaged in the careful discernemnt process prior to making this decision. Welcome into the fellowship of this Communion!
I get a candle, too???!! ;-)
Depends on the liturgist . . . which, BP, per the ol' joke, UNLIKE a terrorist, you can't negotiate with! *LOL*
[Let me state, for the record: if IT is ever received into TEC, I'll provide the candle myself! Cake, too! ;-D]
Does BP have the top secret sacred Episcopal decoder ring yet?
Welcome to the family and to a new home!
...welcome to the BOTH of you!
IT is already a more active and enthusiastic Episcopalian than most. So she doesn't believe in God. Neither did a lot of bishops for centuries.
Maybe we need to make a list of words she will need to know
Narthex =foyer, but originated from North exit
Undercroft = fancy name for basement
I DO need a decoder ring! I'm thinking The BCP for Dummies may be in order...
Thank you ALL for your warm wishes. I'll hold you in my heart next Saturday night.
Of course the REAL transition is that my wife now reads (and comments) on blogs! ;-)
(Mornin', honey!)
Well, she's allowed to now. We don't have rules about such things.
I'm a little late to the party but sending my welcomes to BP anyhow. Took me 12 years to go from Lutheran to Piskie but that isn't as difficult as leaving Rome. Big happy decision.
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