Thursday, July 26, 2012

A conversation on marriage in San Diego

Jim Garlow is an evangelical preacher who was one of the major advocates of Proposition 8 in California. His home base is the huge Skyline Church in San Diego. Skyline Church is holding a "conversation on marriage" on Sunday evening the 29th, featuring prominent equality opponents Robert Gagnon and Jennifer Roback Morse. Same old same old, right?

Wrong. Pastor Garlow also wants to represent the other side. The other panelists are John Corvino and (drum roll, please) Bishop Gene Robinson!

Garlow promises a respectful hearing, not a cultural blindsiding. We take him at his word and promise the same. San Diego Episcopalians will attend to give witness to LGBT people of faith.


June Butler said...

Oh wow! Good news, indeed. I'm impressed. I hope all goes well.

Anonymous said...

Hope springs eternal! While hopes are always high expectations are realistic. Scorpion and all that.

JCF said...

I HONOR and PRAY FOR the brave Episcopalians attending. [My blood pressure couldn't take it!]

A Friday Afternoon Funny (warning, salty NSFW language): a busy God addresses a closet case dude!


Karen said...

I sincerely hope and pray that this goes well.

IT said...

By all accounts it did, in that it was respectful. Not sure if hearts/minds changed. I'll be pointing you to a description of the event soon, when I get the full report from attendees!