Sunday, April 17, 2011

Palm Sunday in America

So here we are, contemplating what it means. The hypocrites who welcome Jesus into Jerusalem, only to turn on him thereafter . The hard business of living the Gospel. (I observe that the likelihood of so living seems inversely proportional to the loudness with which one claims to be doing so. But I digress.)

Beloved swung the thurible today. By all reports, she did well on this, her first Sunday morning solo. I am very proud.

Then we crossed the street to "Earth Day" celebrations in Balboa Park, which ostensibly supports GREEN-ness. But it's a free speech zone, where as you walk from one section to the other, there are hordes of photos from the anti-abortion peoople. Signs warn you to watch your kids, but there's not much to do (though some enterprising folks had a PEACE rainbow flag to try to distract the young ones). You literally cannot escape the images...on an otherwise "family friendly" day in the park.

So, they love children, trying to traumatize them? How are they on care for the poor? I suspect their interest in children ends at parturition.

Left me feeling very combative.

Then we walked past one of the (many) evangelical stands. An earnest man with pamphlets approached till I took BP's hand. He recoiled, visibly. And she still smelt of lovely incense. Go figure.


JCF said...

Wonderful post, IT.

In the Solemn Collect for Good Friday, we will pray (para. from memory) "for the enemies of Christ who persecute his followers"...

...but we will also pray "for those who, in the Name of Christ, persecute others."

Lord have mercy.
Christ have mercy.
Lord have mercy.

JCF said...

And congrats to BP!

A blessed Holy Week to all...

IT said...

Technically BP hasn't REALLY soloed yet as she was one of two thurifers for the large PalmSunday procession -- no smoke inside during Lent. But she wasn't shadowing anyone and was her own Boat and it WAS Sunday morning so I'm calling it a maiden voyage.