Monday, May 18, 2009

Bishop of Rochester NY supports gay marriage

The Episcopal Bishop of Rochester NY writes:
Marriage has a particular meaning for me as a clergy person.
         But as I see it, whether New York state should allow its civil, state-issued marriage licenses to go to same-sex couples is an entirely separate issue from whether marriages of same-sex couples will happen in a church.
         My faith teaches me that all people are children of God, deserving of love, dignity and equal treatment.
         When same-sex couples are treated as less than anyone else, it is my problem; my spiritual problem.
         I would personally be delighted for New York to allow loving, committed same-sex couples to be married.
         Under current Episcopal Church law, my church cannot marry same-sex couples...... it is purely a decision for the councils of the church, not something that the government can compel.
         The integrity of my religious institution will continue, and the spiritual engagement of those marriages will be a matter for faith communities like mine to prayerfully wrestle with and discern.

(Hat tip Susan Russell)


Bill Carroll said...

It would be a more interesting headline if you left out the "NY."

But I'm glad for Rochester, NY.

Fred Preuss said...

So what's next-polygamy/plural marriage?