Don't forget, tomorrow (Saturday) is a nationwide protest for gay rights. In fact, it has gone international! Additionally, more and more cities in the US have been added. Make sure to check it out at and stand up for equal rights and justice for ALL.
A group of us is going down to the Irvine protest tomorrow morning. I have to return, but others are going to a planning meeting after that.
UNLESS the winds don't stop. In wind, I don't ever leave because of the animals.
I will be taking pictures of the event, too.
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) ― Five civil rights groups are seeking to have California's new same-sex marriage ban annulled on the grounds that Proposition 8 threatens the legal standing of all minority groups, not just gays.
The NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Mexican-American Legal Defense Fund, Asian Pacific American Legal Center and two other groups asked the state Supreme Court on Friday to issue a stay preventing the ballot initiative approved by voters last week from taking effect.
The petition is the fourth seeking to have the measure invalidated. But it's the first to argue that the court should step in because the gay marriage ban sets a constitutional precedent that could be used to undermine the rights of racial minorities.
Way kewl, James. Thanks!
Awesome. TOGETHER, we achieve more for EVERYONE....really good news, James!
I'll be there in rainy New York, I hope with a few thousand close friends.
The closest to me is a gathering planned for Erie but I have to attend an ordination and installation 1 1/2 hours away which probably won't be over in time to get there. I'll try tho.
The group in Billings was small-- about 100 souls, give or take-- but enthusiastic and cheerful on a blustery fall day.
I am impressed by the number of smaller cities in red states holding protests.
Cape Girardeau, MO, ancestral home of Rush Limbaugh (the black sheep of a prominent family of lawyers). There isn't a major state college there, either.
Meanwhile in St. Louis and Kansas City MO, we did well, with official estimates of a little over 1,000 attendees for each city. Brrr - first windy day of winter - hustled back to my office and made tea.
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