Sunday, November 9, 2008

Electoral Shifts

The New York Times has fascinating maps on the election and who voted how. Click on the link to see more.


James said...

Well, well, well, even in the Confederacy the Repubs are minimizing, shall we say. About bloody time!

Ann said...

I love these maps - why I watched CNN on Election night - they had the coolest maps -of course I love them more when they go the way I want LOL

Cany said...

And if Obama does what we think he will do, expect more blue in 2012?

I sure hope so!

Anonymous said...

Definitely time to extend the famous "Obama Ground Game" to Appalachia!

[JCF volunteers to return: land of my doctoral research, and ancestral peeps]

Anonymous said...

James, coming from one of the red states shown in blue above, the same thing happened with Clinton's election. Then Clinton started passing legislation that our local hunters, miners, forestry people,etc. didn't like and the state went red again. Obama hopefully knows that in some, perhaps many areas, he won as a vote against Bush and not because people want his legislation to pass. Passing too many liberal policies at the beginning will just push the next congressional election back into the red so that the Republicans can block him. Some of the local Republicans are Hoping Obama has a pile of new laws to sign in on Day 1, so people will turn back.

David said...

Chris has a point. If the Dems can restrain our own fringe crowd and implement sensible, centrist policies, we'll do well. Esp. if the GOP implodes with in-fighting and emerges as the party of evangelical wingnuts and Limbaugh / Hannity black helicopter fans.

Change can come, and is good & necessary. But how you go about it will make a big difference in its success or failure. Please Lord, no Democrat "circular firing squads" this time!

Oh, and as a personal request - can we drop the "Confederacy" cracks ? I'm a Southerner and know full well about our checkered past - but there are good people here, too. (I'm just in a sort of reconciling / transfiguration mood lately, having been reading one of Desmonds Tutu's books :)

James said...

Agreed, Chris and David.