Monday, July 7, 2008

So who's going to Lambeth?

It sounds like a rare old time. What with GAFCON emissions, the English vote on women bishops, the barring of Gene Robinson.... there is vast potential for back room deals and backstabbing . Ah, I love the smell of politics.

So, we know of a couple of places to keep up on the doings.
  • Grandmére Mimi quotes from Gene Robinson, who will have a regular blog called Canterbury Tales from the Fringe AND a video blog called The Lambeth Gene Pool. Now that's embracing the internet, Bp Gene!
  • Susan Russell is leaving shortly and reflecting on why go to Lambeth. As part of Integrity, Susan will no doubt be sure we are kept informed of the news.
  • A certain Jake considered going, but since he has left us blogless, we don't know whether he actually is.
What other friends and fellow travelers will be attending? Where will all the juicy news be posted?
  • Update from the comments, James' new blog The Three Legged Stool has links to other Blogging Bishops. He points us at the Bp of Arizona who is doing an "official" Blog at the request of the presiding bishop.
  • Another update: Elizabeth Kaeton is also going to Lambeth and will be blogging about it.
  • Yet another: grad student Allie at the Conformist Rebel will also be there and blogging. I like the unofficial ones who are more likely to give us warts 'n' all! (Thanks to Paul(A) for the link)


Unknown said...

Well, +rowan, +airedale, +maya, and +i will be going as well, but don't look for much news from us on the feline and canine side of the episcopacy. I think we'll mostly be looking for the hospitality tent and the free munchies, unless they're into playing some frisbee or chasing some tennis balls or going swimming...

Anonymous said...

Be careful, I understand there are fierce quarantine laws in the UK.


Anonymous said...

Several bishops will be blogging from Lambeth. There is a link to their blogs on my site here

I considered going but my hospital stay this week ended that dream.

IT said...

james, it's probably better for your blood pressure not to attend! In any case, best wishes for a speedy recovery, we are all thinking of you.


David said...

I dunno Clumber, a hospitality tent at Lambeth is probably full of British food... ;)

Wormwood's Doxy said...

IT and Clumber--I've been told by my mother's British husband that the quarantine laws have been changed dramatically, but haven't confirmed.

Total nonsequitur--I saw Jeffrey John at St. Alban's Cathedral while I was gone. :-)

Catherine said...

A graduate student from Rutgers University has already left for Lambeth. I helped her get a proper hat for tea at Lambeth Palace. I keep track of her progress on Facebook; if anything really interesting shows up, I'll figure out how to post it here.

Doorman-Priest said...

There's nothing wrong with British food (these days). Character assassination from afar!

Anonymous said...

Oh D-P, I'm sure that stodge is not gone completely...!


Elizabeth Kaeton said...

Well, God help us, one and all, "I'ma leaving on a jet plane" for Lambeth right after 9:30 AM Mass on Sunday the 20th. I'll be there until August 4.

Yes, of course, I'll be blogging.

BTW, I think you're all daft for doing this, but I'm delighted.

IT said...

Awesome. We will add Elizabeth to the post.

Travel safely, ELP!

James said...

You might add a blog roll for the bishop of Arizon's blog. He's been asked by the PB to "do" an official report each day. Here is the link.

Paul (A.) said...

That graduate student mentioned by Catherine is Allie from OCICBINY, whose blog is here.

johnieb said...

Oh, I wanted to tell them! Has she posted anything yet?

David said...


I just looked at Allie's blog an hour ago or so, and haven't seen anything yet from the UK...

Anonymous said...

Which Primates are not expected to be at Lambeth?

Anonymous said...

just checking