Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Katie Sherrod lays it down

Mark Harris points us to Katie Sherrod's latest:

Yes indeed, we don't all agree on how issues of human sexuality should be handled theologically and we don't all agree on how faithful Anglicans who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender should be included in the life and ministry of the church. We've lived for centuries with many other differences more significant than this one without splitting.

So what solution have these men come up with? Destroy classic Anglicanism and replace it with a centralized, top down, clergy-in-charge system complete with power to punish those [read the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Church of Canada] who get out of the narrowly-drawn-lines these men will put into place.
For the most part, it's been ostensibly straight white men who have been screaming that the inclusion of LGBT folk in the life and ministry of the church is the worst sin of all because they are the worst sinners of all.....

The amount of male hysteria they have stoked up has been amazing to see. These men are clearly not only willing to split the church, they are willing to do so at the cost of feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, etc. ....

Go to Katie Sherrod's blog and see her suggestion for how to fix it.


Anonymous said...

A lovely post and a wonderful suggestion by Katie. There's just one problem with it: The men will never go for it.

Men, I tell you.

David said...

Hey now! Can we tone it down a bit with the stereotyping ? I seem to remember a time in history where "hysteria" was a derogatory characteristic applied to women as a group ;)

JCF said...

I also think that there's a whole lot of credentialism involved.

I mean, why bother to go for the purple shirt, if you can't lord it over and TELL the unwashed in the pews and parish pulpits, what's what?

Too many bishops need to learn that their office is to be a SERVANT to the Servants of God! Taking the lowest seat, not looking down from on high...

David said...

:: gives a big 'thumbs up' to JCF ::

Yes, servant leadership is the key, and not something most of us fallible humans do very well (more's the pity).