Monday, July 3, 2017


Well, enough of politics for a while, right?

Let's turn our attention back to something positive and happy.

  Many of you have been with part of this community for a long time, since the days of  Fr Jake's blog, and  you followed us over here when Fr Jake stepped back from blogging.   You have attended the journey of your friendly atheist (me) and her wife BP, as I worked for years to convince BP to re-orient from cradle Roman Catholicism to a better home for her faith. And after the viciousness of the Prop 8 fight here in California, BP finally put her toes into the Thames.

You were all warm and supportive when we married, and have accompanied our journey as we joined  (each in our own way) the Episcopal church. Both certifiable church geeks, we keep an Almy catalog as coffee table reading.  ðŸ˜„  BP found her calling in liturgy: acolyte, thurifer, verger, Head Verger.

And in the latest culmination of this journey, at Evensong on Sunday next , BP will be installed as Canon Verger of St Paul's Cathedral, San Diego.  Canons of a Cathedral are those who have a formal or honorary affiliation voted on by the chapter and approved by the Bishop. They can be clergy, or lay people.  In BP's case, this recognizes the responsibility and experience she has displayed as head verger for the last 4 years.

Should you want to join in, the service will be live-streamed here.  (5pm PDT)

As I've said before, the greatest of thanks to the Rev Terry Martin, for Fr Jake started us on this journey.  My dear BP has truly found home.

Okay, you can tell all the "loose canon" jokes in the comments now!

(Yes, that's one of my photographs)

St Paul's Episcopal Cathedral, San Diego


Brother David said...

Oh wow, she started with a toe, but she eventually jumped in with both feet! However, if anyone was the loose canon, it would more likely be you IT. :)

Congratulations to Canon-elect BP, that is truely a recognition of trust for her and an honor.

Leonard said...

THRILLING...what a path we have walked along together (and some of us made Head Verger without a stumble ... GREAT DAY)...a special FELICIDADES directed toward BP who has been a special, quiet, positive influence in OUR quest. Yes, and then, the BRILLIANT you, whom WE are all in debt...every once in a while Fr. Jake comes up for air but clearly is exactly where he should be (again) with the people of God (and all others)...I send you my best from is a beautiful day as the rain has gone away and it IS a perfect day to hear the good news of BP coming our way! Three cheers! Len

Allisyn said...

From one loose canon to another soon to be . . .

JCF said...

Mazel Tov!