Thursday, June 4, 2015

Purge,denunciation, witch hunt

We have long noted the purges of gay teachers,  musicians, and others who work in Catholic schools or in lay positions, for breaking the Roman Catholic "Don't Ask Don't Tell" and getting married or otherwise coming out.  While it is the right of the church to do this, it is extremely distasteful.

But now it has moved from purge to witch hunt. New Ways Ministry, a pro-gay Catholic ministry, reports:
A Catholic Relief Services (CRS) employee has resigned amid controversy over his same-gender marriage.
Estridge is not a Catholic, and his job did not involve decisions which affected mission, so church affiliation and faith were not a requirement for his employment.

....Estridge’s resignation comes as the result of a vicious witch hunt launched by an anti-LGBT Catholic individual. The release of Estridge’s marriage license, including personal information like his home address, was [an]  intentional act .... he admits he targeted Estridge because he believes only Catholics in conformity with a strict interpretation of the faith should be working for the church. 
...Because this case was resolved by a gay employee losing his job, this type of resolution may ultimately encourage right wing activists’ targeting of LGBT church workers — a dangerous precedent as marriage equality could very well become national law later this month because of the anticipated U.S. Supreme Court ruling.
Indeed, many of the other cases have come become someone has  denounced the employees, but this is even beyond that. Extremist anti-gay conservative Catholics are relentless in their attacks.  (Indeed if you read the comments of online Catholic media, the anti-gay remarks will curl your hair).   But then, the vehemence is not surprising, given  the like of Archbishop Cordileone of San Francisco hysterically calling Caitlyn Jenner's transition "a reversion to the paganism of old, but with unique, postmodern variations on its themes, such as the practice of child sacrifice, the worship of feminine deities or the cult of priestesses."

The  goal of the extremists is to attack and harm LGBT people, driving them from their jobs and community. These  actions are hardly Christ-like, are they?

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