Friday, March 6, 2015

The culture war and cultural dominance

The hysterical desire of some of the religious right to oppose recognition of LGBT people is beyond crazy.  In Alabama, the state Supreme Court is arguing that the Federal Constitution does not apply, so even though a federal district court found marriage bans illegal, they refuse to comply.  In Oklahoma,  a GOP lawmaker argues that "gay people don't have the right to be served in every specific store."
If Silk’s bill becomes law, it would mean businesses and individuals denying services to gay people, whom he considers unworthy of equal protection under the law.
Meanwhile, over 300 Republicans who "get it" have filed a pro-equality amicus brief with the Supreme Court.
“Although amici hold a broad spectrum of socially and politically conservative, moderate, and libertarian views, amici share the view that laws that bar same-sex couples from the institution of civil marriage, with all its attendant profoundly important rights and responsibilities, are inconsistent with the United States Constitution’s dual promises of equal protection and due process,” the brief states.

GOPlifer  places this in a culture-shift context
When same sex marriage is finally settled law in this country, religious people will remain free to hold their beliefs about the sinfulness of gay couples. They will lose their ability to use those beliefs to constrain the basic Civil Rights of other people. We all have a right to our religious beliefs. No one has a right to legislate their religious beliefs.

This isn’t a dispute about religious freedom. This is a dispute about cultural supremacy. That’s why the last, most bitter holdouts against gay marriage are the same institutions, people and states who were the last bitter holdouts against the Civil Rights movement.

Gay marriage is likely to destroy something, but it’s not marriage. The fight over gay marriage is going to severely damage the lingering cultural supremacy once enjoyed by white Protestants.

We are on the cusp of experiencing real pluralism for the first time in the country. That’s why same sex marriage matters and that’s why the battle lines are drawn across the same boundaries as in the Civil Rights movement.
It's the fear of losing privilege.  It always is.

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