Sunday, June 5, 2011

The direction we're heading: NY Times

NIcholas Kristoff lays it out in this op-ed in the NY Times.
With Tea Party conservatives and many Republicans balking at raising the debt ceiling, let me offer them an example of a nation that lives up to their ideals. It has among the lowest tax burdens of any major country: fewer than 2 percent of the people pay any taxes. Government is limited, so that burdensome regulations never kill jobs. This society embraces traditional religious values and a conservative sensibility. Nobody minds school prayer, same-sex marriage isn’t imaginable, and criminals are never coddled...

So what is this Republican Eden, this Utopia? Why, it’s Pakistan....

I’ve always made fun of these countries, but now I see echoes of that pattern of privatization of public services in America. Police budgets are being cut, but the wealthy take refuge in gated communities with private security guards. Their children are spared the impact of budget cuts at public schools and state universities because they attend private institutions....
I think that is a rather sobering reminder. Given how corporate elites now run government for themselves in the US, including the courts, and how money buys anything.... perhaps we should ask Grover Norquist and the Koch Brothers what they really see as the USA's future?


Ann said...

Thanks IT - reposted to my FB page.

Frank Remkiewicz aka “Tree” said...

The Uniteed States of Pakistan, has a nice ring to it, don't you think?

IT said...

And then there's this: the Koch brothers plastering a neighborhood with fake eviction notices, panicking the residents, because they want to prevent a public bridge from being built.