Most visitors don't realize they are also looking out on an expanse of North American history. Spanish explorer Juan Bautista de Anza led an expedition into California from Mexico through this region in 1774 establishing an overland route to the coast. The famed Butterfield Stage pushed a brute-force route across the southern desert during the Mexican-American War, and in the late 1850s, this was the main route into California, the great Southern Emigrant Trail, across the desert and up over the mountains before descending into the fertile farmland on the other side.

Desert living is hard, and communities often are boom-or-bust. The shells of lost commuities can be see along the desert roads, sometimes with a few people still scraping out a life in the searing summer heat. Palm Springs, in the Coachella Valley, is a booming vacation community popular with rich Angelenos. Sixty years ago, developers thought that they might create another Palm Springs in the next valley down. The small community of Borrego Springs was then home to a few cattlemen and farmers raising grapefruit and dates. Surrounded by a nascent state park (soon to become the biggest in the state, and the nation), it was almost unreachable in the early days. Although roads were eventually built in to the valley the developers failed in their goal to bulldoze a superhighway up to LA, with their desired route being blocked to protect the bighorn. Thus, the drive from more coastal cities remains slow and sleepy on twisting 2-lane mountain highways. Although Borrego Springs is a vacation and retirement destination (the population quadruples in the winter as the snowbirds return, but there are fewer than 3000 year-round residents), it lacks the big glamorous and expensive resorts, and maintains a quirky, small-town feeling.

The parish reflects the Borrego Springs demographic, being older overall, with many retired folks. It's a small community, but they were clearly involved and collaborative with each other. We felt very welcome, although they seemed a little disappointed we were just visiting, rather than new residents (the start of high tourist season is still a few weeks away). At coffee in the tidy little hall, with excellent home-made carrot cake, we were interested to see flyers about various activities, like helping at-risk youth in the grim farming town of El Centro in Imperial County, or helping farflung poorer desert residents deal with rural challenges like disposal of old appliances. There's a labyrinth laid out with rock in the sand outside the church which I bet is spectacular at sunrise. They are searching for a new rector and relying on supply clergy, although we were quite taken with their interim, Fr Juan, a retired priest. Clearly despite their small size, they are a vibrant and engaged group. So, chalk up another welcoming visit to TEC in the wanderings of IT and BP, desert rats.

The landscapes are mine, the other photos from the web. In 15 years of regular visits, I have yet to see an actual bighorn--they are very shy and hide in the up-country.
I love your "Secret Shopper"-style TEC parish reports, IT! ;-)
Come see us in Wyoming - we will take you see lots of Big Horn sheep.
JCF, glad you like my ruminations.
Ann, these Peninsular desert bighorns are an endangered subspecies, smaller than your Big Guys in the Rockies, with a rare ability to survive without water. Fewer than 800 individuals remain. I'd love to see yours, but I really want to see one of ours. :-)
I was lucky --while we lived in Palm Desert and rode 74 into San Diego, I saw several sheep popping around..... but mostly in late summer when they are looking for the more convenient water spots found near humans....
I love Borrego Springs....
That was really neat...thanks IT for the traveling happy anniversary show!
I thought it telling that on the parish's "Resources" webpage, there's a link to a several Church-related sites including "Integrity (LGBT Episcopalians)."
(Word verification is "duers"!)
Margaret, I love that drop down the 74 into the coachella valley-- can't say I much love anything else up there, though!
Primrose, particularly notable given the average age of the congregation. As I said, they were very welcoming.
That last pic at the bottom of the post would make a nice wallpaper. Got it in higher-res ? :)
Love the desert, too. I lived for a time near Four Corners and really enjoyed areas like Monument Valley, AZ and the high deserts of Utah (e.g. Arches Nat'l Park). Also freq. visited friends in the Phoenix area and got to experience the Sonoran Desert.
Sure, David, I'll send it to you.
According to the Los Angeles Times, today a federal judge in San Franscico refused to dismiss the lawsuit challenging Prop. 8 - Judge refuses to dismiss challenge to Prop. 8:
"A federal judge refused today to dismiss a constitutional challenge to Proposition 8, ruling the voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage raised legal and factual issues that required a trial.
"U.S. District Judge Vaughn R. Walker, ruling after nearly two hours of arguments in San Francisco, rejected contentions by Proposition 8's proponents that precedent and tradition clearly showed last November's ballot measure permissible under the U.S. Constitution.
"Walker previously ordered the Proposition 8 campaign to disclose its internal memorandums and communications to gay rights lawyers. The campaign is appealing that order to the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals on 1st Amendment grounds."
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