Monday, July 27, 2009

Cootie vaccination

Worried about gay cooties or girl cooties - kids have the answer!!

H/T to Andrew Plus via OCICBW


Brad Evans said...

Cooties? Aren't they the other white meat?

Göran Koch-Swahne said...

I've been down south (Skåne) for a birthday party. There were quite a few young children, especially with their fathers... The host, the one who had his 40th birth day, has 4 little girls - the last 2 born in Tanzania, where Håkan and Jenny have spent 5 years in Mission.

What I noticed was the love and gentle kindness between the fathers and the little ones...

Surely, a new breed is being brought up in new conditions, which will change Life and the World!

And Gender and such things seem to be totally out of focus for these little ones and their parents.