Cany nominated us as a bunch of "Kick Ass Bloggers." Thanks, Cany :)
We'll accept ideas for the five sites we should pass this along to in the comments, and the site authors will utilize obtuse, incomprehensible-by-mortal-humans statistical analysis techniques to determine the winners...
CONGRATULATIONS...I love these tributes, they are great for enthusiasm...I think the Grapevine Collection of Bloggers ought be considered as candidates.
Best to all!
AND I corrected my post to include IT, with an apology. Sheesh! When I did, I accidently changed your blog name to frieds of jake... LOL. Are ya'll polyunsaturated I wonder?
Anyhowsers, fixed it. Lo siento, IT!
Don't worry, cany - no offense taken. I'm a Southerner, and "fried" is one of the four, major food groups ;)
Thank you cany. ;-)
Here in sunny SoCal, we spent the weekend frying, so that may be appropriate.
OT but very important. Today, the California Supreme Court issued an opinion holding that physicians may not refuse to treat gay and lesbian persons based on the the physicians' claimed rights of religious freedom and free speech and that such a refusal to treat violates the state's civil rights statute that prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation -- North Coast Women’s Care Medical Group, Inc. v. Superior Court. The case left open whether the physicians could refuse treament based on marital status -- the case was based on a lesbian couple's trying to have children -- a situation that may be resolved if same-sex couples will be permitted to continue to be marrried in California.
Thank you, Dr Primrose. i will try to put something together on this (although the impending semester and a heay course load make this a bad time). My short version: if the state licenses you to perform a state-sanctioned task, you don't get to discriminate against some of its citizens.
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