Thursday, August 21, 2008

The 'Bifocal' Vision of Church

The Rev. Nigel Taber-Hamilton, rector of St. Augustine's-in-the-Woods Episcopal Church on Whidbey Island, WA and frequent contributor to TEC HoB/D mailing list, weighs in with his take on the outcomes of the Lambeth conference in Old School Religion rears its head at Lambeth:
There were, apparently, two Lambeth Conferences taking place over the last few weeks - one about establishing relationships, seeking common ground, and listening; the other about insensitivity, political judgment, pompous paternalism, institutionalism, and, in the end, appeasement.

1 comment:

Leonard said...

one about establishing relationships, seeking common ground, and listening; the other about insensitivity, political judgment, pompous paternalism, institutionalism, and, in the end, appeasement." Rev. Nigel Taber-Hamilton

You know, Rowan Williams was not straight-forward...he didn't allow "conversations" and "edited" opportunities...the man obviously felt that he needed to "control" the Holy Spirit...afterall, look what REAL LIFE and everyday moral dilemmas we're faced with at The Anglican sense admitting defeat and reaching out to God and one another for clear, clean sense trusting God when we have Rowan Williams scurring about like some kind Purpleclad Keystone Cop.

It's about facing Gods reality, sometimes as it actually IS and not as Rowan thinks it ought be to keep all his "ducks in a row"...yes, especially the messy/murky parts (nothing new for Christians/Anglicans) need clarifying and opening to Gods "will" for us...his Roman Catholic "messagers" offered demeaning abuse...was that another version of Rowans spite and punishment for North America?

Rowan Williams ought step down.