Many bishops are taking new blogging toys to Lambeth including flip phones for video blogging (you can't see them in Dave Walker's cartoon as the robes have hidden pockets!). Welcome to the new world of reporting.
However Church Center Media mavens are trying to herd these cats as reported in the Living Church:
In responding to questions from the media, Episcopal bishops are being encouraged to respond in a way that emphasizes two main themes:
When Anglicans work together through the power of the Holy Spirit, we change the world; and
At the Lambeth Conference, the bishops of the Anglican Communion review our deep unity in Christ.
The method can be illustrated with a triangular diagram, according to a handout developed by Auburn Media, part of Auburn Theological Seminary. The handout was part of a packet sent to Episcopal bishops recently by Bishop Clay Matthews of the Presiding Bishop’s Office of Pastoral Development. “The diagram requires that you provide three examples or facts that support each of the three ideas and that all information leads back to the same conclusion – the core message,” the handout stressed. “The method provides a map that is easy to remember, giving you focus and control for the broadest range of media appearances.”
I doubt that it will keep all of them in line.
Here is a list from Episcopal Cafe´ as of today, of the blogging bishops:
The Rt. Rev. Kirk Smith, Diocese of Arizona with flip cam.
The Rt. Rev. Gene Robinson, Diocese of New Hampshire - along with his spouse Mark - excluded from official Lambeth - but out in the fringe events and probably getting more press coverage than if he had been invited inside.
The Rt. Rev. Marc Andrus, Bishop of California - one of the "good guys" - blogging for TEC too but this is his site.
The Rt. Revs. Chilton Knudsen and Stephen Lane, Diocese of Maine with a flip cam for video blogging.
The Rt Rev. Pierre Whalon, Churches in Europe. Long time blogger has a view from living in Europe and fluent in several languages. Also contributes to Anglicans Online an independent Anglican site with good commentary on the Anglican Days of our Lives.
The Rt. Rev. Michael Hough, Diocese of Ballarat, Australia. A view from "Down Under."
The Rt. Rev. Christopher Epting, TEC Ecumenical Officer.
The Rt. Rev. Thomas Ely, Diocese of Vermont
The Rt. Rev. Charles Jenkins, Diocese of Louisiana. Don't know if he will be saying much about Lambeth but an amazing blog of his transformation by Hurricane Katrina and the aftermath from just another bishop to an outspoken advocate for the poor and marginalized who suffer in NOLA.
The Rt. Rev. Mike Hill, Bishop of Bristol, CofE. Don't think he got the message from the "advisors."
The Rt. Rev. James Stanton, Bishop of Dallas.
The Rt. Rev. Dorsey Henderson, Bishop of Upper South Carolina and chair of the Title IV (Disciplinary Canons) Committee who issue their thoughts on who's been naughty and will only get coal in their stockings for Christmas.
The Rt. Rev. George Packard, Bishop for Chaplaincies TEC
The Rt. Rev. David Chillingworth Bishop of St Andrews, Dunkeld and Dunblane, Scotland - another bishop who may not have the "message."
Francisco Silva Brazil - Provincial Secretary -- not a bishop but a good source for the Global Center as they call themselves.
The Most Rev. Mauricio Andrade Brazil.
The Rev. Andy Doyle, Texas elect - not consecrated yet (November 22 is his date).
The Rt. Rev. Carol Gallagher - assisting in North Dakota (not going to Lambeth).
The Rt. Rev. Wayne Smith, Diocese of Missouri - new to blogging - already has some good stuff up on the meeting of Dioceses in partnership with Sudan.
The Rt. Rev. Porter Taylor, Diocese of Western North Carolina.
The Rt Rev Larry Benfield, Diocese of Arkansas.
The Rt. Rev. Bob Duncan, Diocese of Pittsburgh - has not posted to his blog since Feb 2008. But there may be some reports at the Pittsburgh news site there.
The Rt. Rev. George Councell nothing posted since Dec. 2006 - but we live in hope!
Episcopal Life Media blog site. Chosen bishops will be posting here.
Sean Rowe of Northwestern Pennsylvania (lead blogger)
Laura Ahrens, Suffragan of Connecticut
Marc Andrus of California
Larry Benfield of Arkansas
Sergio Carranza, assistant of Los Angeles
Neff Powell of Southwestern Virginia
Bavi Edna "Nedi" Rivera, suffragan of Olympia
Jean Zache Duracin of Haiti
Newsline site for the press by Episcopal Life Media.
Dave Walker blog at The Church Times. Good cartoons - Dave is the official cartoonist of Lambeth - not sure what that says about the meeting!! But he usually has a good eye for the incongruities of church life.
Thinking Anglicans - keeping a finger on the pulse of the Anglican Communion.
Walking with Integrity - another blog that won't "stay on message" except the one of full inclusion. Integrity leaderhip and President Susan Russell will be reporting and videoblogging there and Susan will also report at her blog Inch at a Time.
Lambeth Conference official site.
Episcopal Cafe - with the ever witty and insightful observer of all things Anglican/Episcopal, Jim Naughton - Live from Lambeth.
The Rt. Alan Wilson, Area Bishop of Buckingham, Church of England.
The Rev. Elizabeth Kaeton, President of the Episcopal Women's Caucus.
Add other links in the comments.
I'm sure most of our readers know this, but +Stanton (my bishop) is an extreme neo-conservative. Not nearly as much of a hot-head as +Iker or +Duncan, but potentially more dangerous to the church as he can come across as more "reasonable."
He's also one of the founders of the American Anglican Council and I understand that he has been involved with the IRD in years past.
So read with care. Innocent as doves, but wise as serpents, and all that ;)
Ann, thanks for this. You are one great compiler!
Another blogger who will offer great commentary is Elizabeth Kaeton TELP -- here
Also take care with The Rt. Rev. Michael Hough. He does not speak for Australia. Although his blog criticises FOCA, he joined with Jensen (although from the other end of the Anglican spectrum)last year in opposing women bishops, has one of the 3(4?) dioceses in Australia which do not ordain women and if you read back in his blog does not agree with the ordination of Bishop Gene Robinson and congratulates Archbishop Williams on refusinbg to invite +Robinson to Lambeth. He also signed the letter in support of Schofield.
uhoh with Hough --
Y'all are doing a great job here. Thanks for the links.
Although I'm sure she's not big on honorifics, TELP is now "the Reverend Doctor". Again, congratulations!
I compiled the Cafe list of Bishops, less Ely and Hough who aren't RSS enabled, into this feed:
Hope it's useful!
Thank you for that list! This morning, our priest said that the Rt. Rev. Gregory Rickel of the Diocese of Olympia is keeping a Lambeth blog but I can't for the life of me find it. Does anyone know where it is? Thanks.
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