Lionel Deimel reports on Calvary Church led by stalwart priest Harold T. Lewis:
Calvary’s Cavalry Again Rides to the Rescue
As the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh heads toward a “realignment” vote on October 4, 2008, when Pittsburgh Bishop Robert Duncan plans to declare the entire diocese removed from The Episcopal Church to become a diocese of the province of the Southern Cone, loyal Episcopalians in Pittsburgh are becoming increasingly anxious about the looming apocalypse. Yesterday, however, they were given some reason to cheer, as Calvary Church attorney Walter P. DeForest rode to court on his white horse to file papers with the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County. Calvary is petitioning the court to appoint a “monitor to inventory and oversee property held or administered by the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh to assure compliance with this court's order of October 14, 2005,” as well as to request “creation of an additional escrow account(s)” for parishes concerned about the use of their funds by the diocese for the benefit of a church other than The Episcopal Church
Read it all here.
Good to know that someone is taking care of the home front.
Great going Pittsburg!
Theme from Rawhide
- Rowdy Gaines (A penny for the person that identifies the actor)
Rollin', rollin', rollin'
Rollin', rollin', rollin'
Rollin', rollin', rollin'
Rollin', rollin', rollin'
Rollin', rollin', rollin'
Though the streams are swollen
Keep them dogies rollin'
Rain and wind and weather
Hellbent for leather
Wishin' my gal was by my side
All the things I'm missin'
Good victuals, love and kissin'
Are waiting at the end of my ride
Move 'em on, head 'em up
Head 'em up, move 'em on
Move 'em on, head 'em up
Count 'em out, ride 'em in
Ride 'em in, count 'em out
Count 'em out, ride 'em in
Keep movin', movin', movin'
Though they're disapprovin'
Keep them dogies movin'
Don't try to understand 'em
Just rope 'em, pull and brand 'em
Soon we'll be living high and wide
My hearts calculatin'
My true love will be waitin'
Be waitin' at the end of my ride
Rollin', rollin', rollin'
Rollin', rollin', rollin'
Rollin', rollin', rollin'
Rollin', rollin', rollin'
I like to roll, but not that way...lol.
I didn't even know this was here. I will update my blogroll.
Folks, I know you are all rushing to your encyclopedias to find out the actor that played Rowdy Gaines. Well, Clint would not be very happy; Gaines is the author of the song and Yates is the ramrod (and also Clint Eastwood). I fear I am headed to the graybar hotel! My most humble apologies.
I could have sworn I emailed you (?)
Let's hope that Pittsburgh's exemplary proactive stance will be noticed in certain other dioceses (or parishes, for that matter).
I was at the PEP meeting the other night and a lot of good information was being passed down.
An informal group of liberal and conservative lay and clergy calling themselves the "Across the Aisle" group have been making pretty good progress in getting structures together to set-up a post-Duncan diocese. The word's getting out to outpost parishes who've been out of the loop for years. I saw parishioners at the meeting that were coming from churches as far as 50-60 miles away. There could be close to 25-30 parishes staying put come convention time. I'm encouraged.
First, I'm glad you posted on this. I was going blog on it yesterday but decided to do an update on the Lambeth blogs instead.
Fred, I loved Rawhide (the show not the bar in SF!). Thanks for posting the song. I get the "Western Chanel" and they have Rawhide on it occasionally. Ah, to be young again.
Dan, I linked to you, too.
"Calvary’s Cavalry Again Rides to the Rescue"
At least this headline recognized they are two DIFFERENT words! [JCF Pet Peeve ;-/]
Speaking of Pet Peeves: I would STILL like the "Word Verification" time/eye-waster to go buh-bye. Can any of you Contributors make that happen, Please?
I went to Haloscan because it's so superior to this form for commenting. It was easy as sin to make the change and took less than five minutes. The only bad part was taht when one switches over, all previous comments are erased.
I know this is a very technical detail but a very important one indeed. That is the issue of who is going where. In pierre wheaton's comments I noticed an ever so slight drift that the Pittsburgh diocese is going somewhere and that there will be a remnant forming. The Episcopal diocese of Pittsburgh is going nowhere. A small, but very important point. One that is made over and over again here in the Epsicopal Diocese of San Joaquin.
You folks are really out there now and please keep in mind that soon to be x+Duncan may change affiliations, parishioners may change affiliations but a diocese cannot. The TEC diocese of Pittsburgh was, is and always will be TEC.
And now, I reliquish the floor.
Fred, your point has been made, and I stand corrected.
I should have stated that preparations are being made for the reconfiguring of the diocese after Duncan et al have left. Like you said, the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh will still be here after the first weekend in October. Whether Duncan will still be bishop and whether his supporters will still be part of that diocese is still yet to be determined.
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